Don’t let the next headline, be your deadline!
This carbon monoxide campaign is to raise awareness of the dangers that college and university students may face when living in rental or shared accommodation. Carbon monoxide (CO) is a lethal gas that can kill within a few minutes and here we highlight the importance of having gaseous appliances serviced and chimneys swept.
Don’t let the next headline, be your deadline!
To distribute Don’t let the next headline, be your deadline! to college and university students.
Highlight 60 seconds that could save a student's life, produced by Ray Kemp.
Encourage students to ask their landlord for a copy of the gas safety certificate if it hasn't been provided.
To educate students that a landlord is responsible for chimneys being swept 2-4 times each year.
Making students aware that an audible alarm should NOT replace annual servicing.
Highlight Carbon Monoxide: The silent killer produced by ANEC and CSI.