As you may know by now… LeanOnUs has been attending the #DadChat Twitter Party on a Thursday night from 6-7 pm (PST) which is 2 am in the UK. In order not to miss the fun I’ve been having a long nap/early night and lots of coffee beforehand! So far I’ve been to 3 or 4 #DadChat’s and each one has been informative and fun. The subjects vary each week and there is always the extra banter from the mom’s and dad’s. It is for the dads really but the moms are welcome too which is great.
#DadChat lasts approximately an hour but as it’s like a big room with everyone talking it is fast and furious sometimes and hard to keep up. So with Bruce’s permission he has allowed me to edit the transcript to give an example of what goes on when chatting on Twitter and particularly with #DadChat.
For those of you on Twitter you will see that I have been brutal with the edit. I have cut the jargon and replaced the replies to Retweets etc with ‘re:’ and cut out the @’s within them. I have left in the Twitter ID of the person talking which you will see. Apologies to anyone who was left out but I hope I included everyone as there were 13 pages for me to go through!
Now for those who aren’t on Twitter and have no idea what I’m talking about basically Twitter is like Facebook but in a different format and the timeline runs at a much faster pace. Even though you make friends on Twitter and can chat you actually follow people that are of interest to you. In a way it’s similar to subscribing to someone on Facebook.
You ‘follow’ (subscribe) and see what they have to say in your timeline. If you follow someone they may not necessarily ‘follow’ you back. You can still ‘tweet’ to a person even if they aren’t following you or you aren’t following them. I hope that makes sense!
Anyway, back to #DadChat… #DadChat is like an online chat party and everyone can chirp in and say their bit. (Any member of the public can watch the chat as it is public but in order to ‘say your piece’ you need to sign up to Twitter.) It’s fun and interesting to see the comments from others and you can quickly get to know someone and if you like what they have to say you can then go follow them. It’s also a chance to build up connections of like minded people.
As I said I edited the transcript from last week’s #DadChat to give you an example of what goes on and the type of conversation that is held at these Twitter chats. Be warned! – it’s long as I’ve included some of the extra banter and it will be a little confusing at first as you will see that it’s in order of the real-time conversation and there are a few going on at the same time.
I hope you enjoy reading it and if you have any questions feel free to ask!

Echoes from the DadChat Twitter Party
@BruceSallan: Please welcome Joe Brazier @ManvDadhood as tonight’s #DadChat co-host and please follow him! @ManvDadhood: welcome to and #DadChat… The twitter party is at #Dadchat so make the switch #daduary
@goodenufmother: I”m ready. On your mark, get set, go. #DADuary #Dadchat twitter party. We are on TIME and here!
@BruceSallan: @ManvDadhood is a father to a boy and girl as well as a Special Ed Middle School teacher
@BruceSallan: @ManvDadhood was a guest on my Radio Show today. Listen commercial and $$$free:
@HollyPavlika: Why do men like to have big biceps?
@BruceSallan: Hi Rene and welcome to #DadChat…we should share some TV horror stories sometime!
@ManvDadhood: I feel honored at your support through #Daduary and letting me come on #DadChat and blab some more
@HollyPavlika: How’s that dad in your life?
@Sonya_LeanOnUs: To fill their t-shirts re: Why do men like to have big biceps?
@BruceSallan: Let’s get started: What do you think: Dads or Moms get more support from peers?
@ManvDadhood: I don’t know… I was just born that way!
@josepopoff: My first #Dadchat, finally made it. Show me the money now.
@brickwade: Hi! Ready for #dadchat. What’s on deck tonight?
@BruceSallan: my pleasure and it’s my honor to have a guy with your arms…NOW, I’m scared!
@padgets: hi everybody! I am back!
@kellidaisy: He’s doing great thank you! re: How’s that dad in your life?
@HollyPavlika: Usually it’s not the arms filling out the t-shirts. LOL!
@josepopoff: Oh, I am a teacher and father of two boys (4 yrs and 16 mos.)
@GregOrtbach: Greetings from London, Canada! Happy New Year all.
@Sonya_LeanOnUs: I think mom’s get more support.
@BruceSallan: @josepopoff – Hi Jose! Are you in Honduras now? What time is it there? We also have England with us 2nite!
@LovelyLu: Hi all!
@goodenufmother: happy to be here. I love #dads. My own & the one I’m married 2
@BruceSallan: Miss you, Greg! Hope all is good? re: Greetings from London, Canada! Happy New Year all.
@Ericka: I think Moms get more support, then older fathers. Peers for younger fathers are often the antithesis of support
@dbvickery: Moms have much better network and disposition to get peer support
@BruceSallan: What do you think: Dads or Moms get more support from peers?
@ManvDadhood: My daughter is 5, and my son is 2. I am a #Sped teacher outside of #Seattle. What do you teach?
@ellalaverne: thanks for having me
@BruceSallan: Hey Louise!
@Sonya_LeanOnUs: LOL very true, it’s to detract from the beer gut!
@padgets: I think moms do
@HollyPavlika: What makes a great Dad?
@GregOrtbach: Great to see you too Bruce – have missed the mighty
@BruceSallan: I agree because moms are used to supporting one another…’cause women usually stay connected!
@josepopoff: Yep, it’s 8 pm here in Honduras; we only have one time zone. Kids are sick tonight, by the way..:(
@TVProducerDeb: Moms get more support. Unfortunately most folks don’t see dads as caregivers
@ManvDadhood: The effort makes the dad great. not perfection. Kids know when you love them and are trying
@BruceSallan: Agreed! Sad but true! re: Moms have much better network and disposition to get peer support
@HollyPavlika: But we’re supposed celebrate Dadhood tonight so no more dad jokes. we have to behave.
@RossanaWyatt: Hello everyone!
@josepopoff: I teach Physics and Chemistry.
@CourtneyMiami: I’d say moms.
@BruceSallan: Men don’t tend to reach out to other (men) for anything other than business support! Agree?
@ManvDadhood: Glad to have another teacher here at #DadChat
@LovelyLu: I see a lot more dads as the main caregivers…. Moms still get more support, but people are more helpful to dads
@HollyPavlika: MY dad traveled alot so I didn’t know him very well.
@BruceSallan: Dad jokes are welcome…we’ll just come back at you with CHICK jokes!
@reth1nk: I do concur, feels oddly “un-manlike” even if desperately needed
@dbvickery: even if we have people to support us, and we need it, our stock answer is “everything is fine”. Gotta get over that
@GregOrtbach: Yeah – and moving or installing stuff at the house
@BruceSallan: We all seem to agree…but WHY? re: @CourtneyMiami: I’d say moms.
@ManvDadhood: if it’s not a business venture (what can I do for you?) Men dont want to show insecurities (What do I need help with?)
@HollyPavlika: @rossanawyatt Hi Rossana.
@AlanKercinik: Being there for your kids rather than expecting your kids to revolve around you.
@Sonya_LeanOnUs: A caring and loving one who is interested in their family
@goodenufmother: I am watching a change in relationship between teen daughter and her #dad. I feel bad for him sometimes
@BruceSallan: True or False: Single Dads and Single Moms get equal support from their communities?
@reth1nk: False.
@brickwade: I agree moms have more support. But we’re also responsible for building these support networks too, ourselves.
@BruceSallan: WELL SAID, BV…men tend to not admit they’re having a problem!
@MimiBakerMN: Depends on their community! re: True or False: Single Dads and Single Moms get equal support from their communities?
@RossanaWyatt: think that is false!
@TVProducerDeb: I was a little tom boy growing up and loved to hang out with my dad
@ManvDadhood: I don’t think a dad’s support system will look like a mom’s. We work and think too differently for that
@RossanaWyatt: hello, great to be here!
@BruceSallan: Hey Mimi…do you have good support from other moms? Liked your divorce blog today, btw
@GregOrtbach: but only speaking from limited experience. Do agree that Dads are more apt to not seek out groups.
@dbvickery: so support stops at the first level and never develops depth and accountability like it will with Moms
@brickwade: #DadChat how much does make ego play into this equation?
@ManvDadhood: I was raised by my stepdad, and met my real dad when I was 22.
@markalves: Lower expectations for dads. Moms often harder on themselves, feel more pressure.
@BruceSallan: So we’re all sort of in agreement that moms have better support!?
@reth1nk: Yes.
@ManvDadhood: A LOT! re: how much does make ego play into this equation
@MimiBakerMN: Thanks about the blog. I have as much support as I ask for. I try to ask for very little. Hate to add more to others.
@RossanaWyatt: totally!
@padgets: women are more apt to have more close friends to talk to and lean on
@BruceSallan: – GREAT question! Men have bigger egos and hate to admit they don’t know things…(generally speaking)…
@reth1nk: I don’t know if it’s ego, or false notion put on us by society
@reneemmartinez: My guess is false cc: True or False: Single Dads &Single Moms get equal support from their communities?
@brickwade: It should be different, just as long as it exists. Easy to tailor, no?
@BruceSallan: but does most of your support come from other women/moms?
@padgets: false
@1ad_dad: Sorry I will miss #dadchat tonight. I hope all is well with everyone. I look forward to reading the transcript. Night y’all.
@ManvDadhood: could be some of both. re I don’t know if it’s ego, or false notion put on us by society
@MimiBakerMN: TRUE! re GREAT question! Men have bigger egos & hate to admit they don’t know things, generally speaking
@BruceSallan: Hi Mara and welcome to #DadChat
@RossanaWyatt: very true, much harder 4 dads! re: moms are talkers, sharers, supporters… It’s in their nature.
@BruceSallan: @1ad_dad – we’ll post the transcript shortly after 7:00 p.m. PST…
@realmattdaddy: hi everyone! missed you so.
@MimiBakerMN: Actually not really. I only ask for help from men when I can’t do something on my own. Lady friends all busy w/ fams.
@ellalaverne: of course not. Single dads are “single”d out because they are the yetis of parenthood .. Or so it is perceived.
@BruceSallan: Yes…a (true) stereotype! re: moms are talkers, sharers, supporters… It’s in their nature.
@MimiBakerMN: I try to do everything on my own. Sometimes that men stuff doesn’t get done.
@BruceSallan: Good to see you Matt! re: hi everyone! missed you so.
@jimhigley: probably late seeing this, Bruce – but single dads are usually looked at w a lot of suspicion… at least at first!
@GregOrtbach: Great to see you! re: hi everyone! missed you so.
@BruceSallan: meaning you ask the men for help “fixing” things?
@brickwade: I also find that men wait for other friends to have kids before seeking out and building new parenting friendships. Why?
@Support4Dads: I think single Dads are often invisible to larger society so they get less support but once known positive support
@reth1nk: Have you ever read “Nurture Shock”. the authors would disagree with that.
@ManvDadhood: Men are builders, refiners, and fixers. A support system SHOULD be natural to us too
@BruceSallan: lol…I was shocked at the treatment I got when I was a 24/7 divorced single dad!
@MimiBakerMN: Yes. But only a handful of times in 5 yrs. re: – meaning you ask the men for help “fixing” things?
@Ericka: but it’s how they activate the support system
@WorkingMotherHJ: if its a full-costody dad, they get more sympathy!
@MimiBakerMN: Meaning? re: lol…I was shocked at the treatment I got when I was a 24/7 divorced single dad!
@GregOrtbach: If we’re not inclined to ask for directions, I’m not convinced we’ll be up front about looking for support groups.
@TroyPattee: Hey Jose! I’m tweeting from Belize tonight, so I thought I’d say hello. I’m ready for my kids to go to bed…
@BruceSallan: do you really think that “once known” the dads get equal support?
@dbvickery: and you are much better wired, stereotypically, for building that support
@MimiBakerMN: I agree. Seen as a hero. re: if its a full-costody dad, they get more sympathy!
@Support4Dads: not equal but more positive. as someone else said more sympathy.
@WorkingMotherHJ: me to re: I was a little tom boy growing up and loved to hang out with my dad
@MimiBakerMN: Do women come rushing? LOL re: do you really think that “once known” the dads get equal support?
@ManvDadhood: Exactly! re: but it’s how they activate the support system
@goodenufmother but u knew that no?
@BruceSallan: not sure I understand that statement about waiting for other friends to have kids?
@josepopoff: Mom and Dad are two so different concepts.
@ManvDadhood: I’ve tried to start one a couple times for myself, but I am a diverse person and I can’t get the personalities to mesh
@BruceSallan: Wow, we have Canada, Belize, Honduras, and England 2nite
@Sonya_LeanOnUs: I think so…women find it easier to connect and talk usually
@BruceSallan: you speak the facts Ella…love the direct talk!
@BruceSallan: was he a good dad in spite of that?
@MimiBakerMN: So hard for boys. =( re: My Dad was an orphan. He had no one to learn from when it came to being a dad.
@JPlovesCOTTON: Is #Dadchat still underway? If so, hello everyone! If not, sorry I missed out. Has been a long travel day
@WorkingMotherHJ: yes and more needy
@MimiBakerMN: Hi Janice. How are you?
@ManvDadhood: That was the inspiring thought for my blog? How does one with no examples find manhood and dadhood?
@reth1nk: very true.
@BruceSallan: When I first became a dad, it was IMPOSSIBLE to find a Dad and Me type of group!
@featherchick: Hmmm, #Dadchat? Um, something you want to share with us??? LOL!
@HeiddiZ: awww! My father was only given his last name. Nothing else. So my father thought he did better by supporting us.
@dbvickery: I know my wife is excellent at both…connecting *AND* talking. She is known for her listening though
@BruceSallan: So, I joined a Mommy and Me one…funny stories from that (especially when they all breast-fed at the same time)!
@MimiBakerMN: We have lots of Dad and Me classes in our little town.
@aknecht: Irony is even married people don’t always get the support from their spouse. Mom doesn’t know how to be a good dad & reverse
@HollyPavlika: I wouldn’t say he was. Sorry.
@RossanaWyatt: they were not as common re: When I first became a dad, it was IMPOSSIBLE to find a Dad and Me type of group!
@Sonya_LeanOnUs: I think they can but it’s more difficult for dads
@padgets: #dadchat my husband is better with our girls than I am
@brickwade: Tend to stay in their own social circles and don’t click with other fathers unless they hav existing friendships.
@BruceSallan: we’ve only just begun JP! …hmmm, good title for a song?
@MimiBakerMN: o_O re: So I joined a Mommy & Me one…funny stories from that (especially when they all breast-fed at the same time)!
@MimiBakerMN: #Carpenters re: we’ve only just begun JP! …hmmm, good title for a song?
@HollyPavlika: Yep. I don’t think he knew how to relate to his family once he had one.
@Ericka: You’d think fatherhood would be enough it may be harder for men to connect emotionally?
@JPlovesCOTTON: Good Mimi! You? And @featherchick #Dadchat doesn’t discriminate based solely on parenthood.
@goodenufmother: My husband left his job a few months back, working from home now. Good to see him interact on mundane tasks w/kids.
@ManvDadhood: great point! Does support NEED to start in the home so THAT institution doesn’t fall apart?
@BruceSallan: Hello Heiddi with two “d’s” and welcome to #DadChat
@RossanaWyatt: i’m sure re: So I joined a Mommy & Me 1…funny stories from that (especially when they all breast-fed at same time)!
@realmattdaddy: You turn away a lot of business when you call something a “Mommy and me” class. There are fathers that would love to join!
@josepopoff: Hello, I’ve been to Belize! My kids are both asleep, a little feverish though…
@MimiBakerMN: I want my boys to have strong male examples, but then I have to ask a man to take time away from HIS family.
@HollyPavlika: I don’t know. We learn from others. Like our marriages set the stage for our children’s relationships.
@JPlovesCOTTON: Its official! I’m firing up tweetchat for #Dadchat — if you have kids in your life, you should pop on over.
@BruceSallan: Big of you to admit that, Sharon! re: my husband is better with our girls than I am
@ManvDadhood: True. We are NOT taught how to navigate our emotions in a healthy way. We only learn how to ignore and supress them
@Ericka: I so agree. This Mommy language need to change to parent to include all
@HollyPavlika: Can’t your boys join your friend’s boys?
@Sonya_LeanOnUs: Yes, I think it is much easier for women, some dads are fantastic though and deserve more support and recognition
@VoogDesigns: Sorry I’m late gang. Hope everyone enjoyed the newest Because I Said So Comic Strip!
@realmattdaddy: I am attempting to start a dads group here in central PA. If you know anyone, send them my way!
@BruceSallan: ASK Anyway…plus there’s the Big Brother programs…I was a big twice to kids w.o. dads!
@ManvDadhood: Come by #DadChat and see what we’re doing!
@padgets: well I am glad I did not have that with my dad as teens they see him as expert with guys
@dbvickery: I missed both my daughters 1st words while traveling, but I telecommuted for close to 14 years so was w/them
@realmattdaddy: And can we lose “Mr. Mom” too? re: I so agree. This Mommy language need to change to parent to include all
@MimiBakerMN: My youngest is in Cardinal Buddies. So 3rd grader is paired w/ a high schooler. He’s w/ a 9th grader & LOVES it!
@parentourteens: Where I live, they give names to the program like mini-me or whatever. They don’t call it mommy & me
@ManvDadhood: They do, and we have learned from our parents… present or gone, good or bad!
@brickwade: #DadChat Dads tend to get celebrity status around here when joining the moms in everyday care taking.
@BruceSallan: Cool! re: Its official! I’m firing up tweetchat for #Dadchat — if you have kids in your life, you should pop on over.
@HeiddiZ: Hiya Bruce. Nice to meet you.
@Ericka: Yes! Then we put a baby in your hands and expect you to know how to be a father without help
@MimiBakerMN: Yah, Big Brother, but it’s one more thing in our already busy lives. So hard to choose.
@MimiBakerMN: Different ages. Different s e x e s re: Can’t your boys join your friend’s boys?
@BruceSallan: Hello and welcome to your (first?)
@parentourteens: @HollyPavlika its me..
@realmattdaddy: Great! Baby and me works too. re: They dont call it mommy & me
@BruceSallan: move in with us!
@HollyPavlika: I played the dad in some cases with my kids…like baseball and basketball.Taught ’em to bake too.
@josepopoff: Dads were not meant to be moms, or viceversa. You think it can happen though, can one parent really play both?
@Ericka: Yes! I call out every instance of “parent” when they really mean Mom. We need to really mean parent!
@realmattdaddy: I know, that’s why I hang out here. re: Dads tend to get celebrity status around here when joining the moms
@MimiBakerMN: Packing… re:move in with us!
@LovelyLu: I was home for my first 3, my husband was home for our youngest – all 4 great kids, nice to see how close he is to youngest!
@ManvDadhood: I knew I had no idea what I was doing because of my poor examples… and am overcompensating to make up for it
@parentourteens: yep. Its my first #dadchat. Remember, its @chickymara
@BruceSallan: isn’t it ironic that you need a license to drive but NOTHING to parent!
@padgets: my husband was a stay at home dad for 24 yrs while I work outside the home soooo lucky
@HollyPavlika: Oh. I guess coaches?
@MimiBakerMN: I was a SAHM for 15 yrs. Feel bad my 8yo doesn’t get the same time with me. =(
@BruceSallan: One parent can’t do both roles…they are different though some PC police will disagree!
@aknecht: Key to being a good parent IMHO – remember what you respected that yours did & replicate & remember what you disliked & don’t do
@Ericka: Exactly. I just see over and over how we actively discourage boys/men from nurturing until fatherhood
@GregOrtbach: @LovelyLu Great to see you Louise!
@MimiBakerMN: Yah…I seriously just hate asking. Everyone has their own lives. re: Oh. I guess coaches?
@ManvDadhood: You need a license to take a life, but not to start one!
@JodiOkun: Been thinking about u 2 re: thinking about u ’cause my column this week is about college:
@goodenufmother: that’s awesome! They will remember that!
@HeiddiZ: Me too. Except I was wiped out. Ended up taking kiddo to Central Park where he could play w/boys & their dads.
@BruceSallan: LOVE is a Many Splendored Thing…
@HollyPavlika: Yes. I think we forget to remind ourselves every day about our role models.
@parentourteens: I think that they should have parenting classes readily avail like prenatals For moms & dads!
@ManvDadhood: That’s why boys think manhood and dadhood are separate or in opposition… thus, my blog and Twitter name!
@WorkingMotherHJ: Hope all the #Dadchat folks will join us for #chat next thurs night 9 p et on paid parental leave to learn facts & to-dos
@LovelyLu: I feel that way too, but I must say – I think I’m closer to him than I was to my other 3…
@brickwade: #DadChat My husband is a FF who’s home 20 days/mo. We often interact w other fire/police families for sim sched/dynamic. Very supportive.
@BruceSallan: @VoogDesigns – Say hello to Michael, my incredible illustrator for our comics: and please follow him!
@GregOrtbach: I have been enjoying this school year so far -broke the kiddies out of the before school program & start each day with them.
@realmattdaddy: @NYCDadsGroup does daddy boot camps! re: I think that they should have parenting classes readily avail moms & dads!
@ManvDadhood: Even the BEST single parent cant> re: One parent can’t do both roles…they are different.
@Ericka: I’ve worked with young men who are struggling with that. I hadn’t thought about it as in direct opposition but I will.
@HollyPavlika: Nope I’m totally serious tonight.
@VoogDesigns: Sorry I am late Big Daddy! Dinner with the family comes first.
@RossanaWyatt: O, let’s not get stated thr! re: isn’t it ironic U need a license 2 drive but NOTHING 2 parent!
@goodenufmother: trying to get my husband to join the #dadchat. He’s not as enamored with Twitter as I am.
@HeiddiZ: I heard bones creaking when we played hockey. Lol He stopped because he saw how winded I was. Great kid.
@MimiBakerMN: =/ I know… Humility is tough. re: it takes a villiage. Ask. You would help them.
@JPlovesCOTTON: I think one parent can make sure both roles are filled, but not necessarily fill them themselves.
@ManvDadhood: Watch what the media is putting in their heads. Manhood = sex with LOTS of [insert objectification here]
@dbvickery: Absolutely because the negative stats are overwhelming when no positive male influence
@josepopoff: Ha, I once heard that parenting should require license and that some parents should be denied one!
@ManvDadhood: = [insert emasculating task here]
@RossanaWyatt: That is vry tru! re: Yes. think we forget 2 remind ourselves every dy abt R role models.
@MimiBakerMN: YES! re: Watch what the media is putting in their heads. Manhood = sex w LOTS of [insert objectification here]
@JPlovesCOTTON: My sister was raising her son alone for a while, all of us made sure he had great men in his life.
@TVProducerDeb: Today I realize my parents did the best they could at the time. No major damage on my end
@BruceSallan: there’s a wonderful fraternity with the military, police, and firefighters!
@HollyPavlika: @heiddiz But at least we tried. #Dadchat
@BruceSallan: @jimhigley – Hey Jim, how goes it! #DadChat
@parentourteens: I love that! and the name #daddybootcamps #dadchat @realmattdaddy @NYCDadsGroup
@Ericka: I’ve been noticing the media more but the tension between manhood and dadhood I need to explore
@MimiBakerMN: I am VERY careful about what my boys watch and hear. It’s so vital to protect what’s going in permanently!
@wildheart4vr: I have been raising my son alone for 12 years
@HeiddiZ: Yup, we both deserve a pat on the back.
@HollyPavlika: They’ve done studies?
@MimiBakerMN: Sometimes men offer, but never follow through. It’s very discouraging. I know they have lives, too, but still…
@reth1nk: would that be Dadhood or Husbandhood?
@parentourteens: I feel like that too. they both had shortcomings, but with their capabilities they did it.
@BruceSallan: There used to be Home Ec classes in schools but ONLY the girls took ’em except for the occasional prankster boy!
@ManvDadhood: true… It’s that step where PARENTING has to be deliberate and engaged to fend off Baby-making before it’s planned
@BruceSallan: Hey Joe…do you have good men friends to help? re: I have been raising my son alone for 12 years
@brickwade: Couldn’t something be emulated from that on a larger social scale?
@JPlovesCOTTON: And no doubt doing an awesome job! re I have been raising my son alone for 12 years
@Ericka: We talk to our son a lot about it. I see him struggle now more as a teen than in younger years
@BruceSallan: For @ManvDadhood (unrelated to topic): Why are boys failing so badly in school nowadays?
@HollyPavlika: What’s your favorite memory of your dad?
@ManvDadhood: It starts with hubbyhood. But sometimes, married guys look down on dads.
@JPlovesCOTTON: Um, that was old school, even at my school everyone took both shop & home ec LONG AGO
@RossanaWyatt: Sad! re: Absolutely b/c neg stats R overwhelming when no positive male influence
@parentourteens: a lot of parents i know are trying hard to raise little men who communicate & nurture & share
@realmattdaddy: I took cooking in high school. ACED IT! re: There used to be Home Ec classes in schools but ONLY the girls took em
@GregOrtbach: Very enjoyable – and stress free (which was a surprise to me)
@reth1nk: totally; i realized very quickly the areas my married friends w/o kids could relate to and what they couldnt
@BruceSallan: Yes, men’s support groups! re: Couldn’t something be emulated from that on a larger social scale?
@padgets: boys and girls both had to take home ec and industrial arts I loved making my bread box!
@dbvickery: 18/16 now and good to hear what they are looking for in marital relationship. We had missteps but would not trade
@rlconrad7: Totally agree! re: I am VERY careful about what my boys watch and hear. It’s so vital to protect what’s…
@ManvDadhood: Boys are failing because the days of “Boys will be boys” is gone from education
@aknecht: My wife didn’t pay attention in Home Ec. At university I taught myself to cook now I’m the main cook & passing that on
@realmattdaddy: A COMPLETE MAN! re: a lot of parents i know are trying hard to raise little men who communicate & nurture & share
@wildheart4vr: not as many as I would like but he is in Royal Rangers where he gets male bonding time once a week
@brickwade: Home Ec was quite dated for my peers (in 1993). A new home Ec would focus less on sewing pillows…
@reth1nk: saturday morning tv watching and the juxtaposition of shows we’d watch. Trucks on TNN & ice skating
@ellalaverne: parenting alone is harder, no? Build networks. Moms and dads unite!
@JPlovesCOTTON: For me, camping & fishing with the Boy Scout troop he led re: Whats your favorite memory of your dad?
@BruceSallan: have you considered Big Brothers?
@ManvDadhood: I have a sub who works in my class who has a degree in home economics… How to be a Norman Rockwell wife. Qualified to teach boys?
@realmattdaddy: My dad said, “If you want to eat, you had better learn to cook.” re: now Im the main cook & passing that on
@DaddysinCharge: Hello #DadChat sorry I’m late wife is working late so I had bedtime, amazing I’m still awake myself.
@parentourteens: my favourite memories are how he always made me feel loved. Plus he was SO fun & taught me to cook
@HollyPavlika: So hard to protect them with what’s on TV.
@BruceSallan: I suppose Home Ec has been replaced by Sex Ed (for 1st and 2nd graders)?!
@dadvsspawn: Boys are failing in school bcs they obviously have unlicensed parents.
@dbvickery: A dad also needs to model to sons & daughters what a respectful/loving marital relationship looks like. Big responsibility
@GregOrtbach: “Mystery tours” which sometimes resulted in me going with him on client calls
@BruceSallan: Hey John…how goes it?
@reth1nk: @ManvDadhood that’s why this is a great book
@JPlovesCOTTON: pls explain re: Boys are failing because the days of “Boys will be boys” is gone from education
@RossanaWyatt: That is amazing and very hard. RT @wildheart4vr: I have been raising my son alone for 12 years
@ManvDadhood: Boys are not allowed to test their place among their peers because education now has to be FAIR as opposed to an education!
@WorkingMotherHJ: My son is 23 and he’s a great guy. When he’s ready he will make a great dad, just like his dad did
@parentourteens: I am a child of divorce. My mom remarried quickly so she didn’t have to single parent. Those days it was so hard.
@brickwade: Gather around social events help? Maybe more apt to bring kids to M’s game than to meet at park/in-home.
@VoogDesigns: Q: What is the most powerful wireless, interactive device for learning and gaming available? A: The iDad!
@Sonya_LeanOnUs: That is nice…I envy those with a nice dad. Luckily my hubby is a good dad. I’m grateful for that.
@ManvDadhood: We have slowly removed the adventure and exploration from education and have placed kids in cubicles
@TVProducerDeb: Dad taught me to drive and the secret of a perfect parallel park re: Whats your favorite memory of your dad?
@aDadsPov: For @ManvDadhood (unrelated to topic): Why are boys failing so badly in school nowadays?
@RossanaWyatt: they still have them here 0 family studies now!
@padgets: my husband cooks great stuff, me uumm somewhat good between the two of us we do not starve. Lol hehe
@JPlovesCOTTON: I think “boys will be boys” didn’t lead to success in education, discipline & respect did
@parentourteens: I know that I’m trying to raise amazing men and fathers otherwise known as complete & perfect men
@rlconrad7: Exactly- esp the older they get!!
@goodenufmother: “I don’t like this twitter thing” husband which I can say now as he’s shutting down his twitter account
@LovelyLu: No matter who is home with them, and how well we did, they’ll grow up and blame us for everything and have revisionist memory! lol
@parentourteens: don’t get me wrong, he had his moments, but overall, we knew he loved us.
@HollyPavlika: Unusual for dad to teach cooking.
@LindsayDianne: there are very few, but he made me a very special barn. re: What’s your favorite memory of your dad?
@wildheart4vr: he also has cerebral palsy so I have also been doing the special needs thing alone too
@realmattdaddy: READ: Wild At Heart re: We have slowly removed the adventure and exploration from education
@aDadsPov: What about the over-feminized influence in elementary schools affecting boys?
@JPlovesCOTTON: 4 girls 2 tho re: We have slowly removed the adventure & exploration from education and have placed kids in cubicles
@dbvickery: fantastic when they have the good role models and desire something similar, always w/a few tweaks
@DaddysinCharge: good Bruce the boys are asleep and I have the TV to myself!
@RossanaWyatt: that is really difficult re: he also has cerebral palsy so I have also been doing the special needs thing alone too
@brickwade: What?! 1/2nd grades?! Terrifying.
@realmattdaddy: Nice! re: Daughter is mastering pancakes
@ManvDadhood: No don’t confuse me for an extreme reformer or a polar-thinker. I understand the need 4 moderation and common sense
@JPlovesCOTTON: want me to get you a card out of Monopoly? re: This is Bruce…am in Twitter Jail again…
@HollyPavlika: I’m trying to remember my Dad taking me anywhere. Hmmm?
@Sonya_LeanOnUs: Well, no one is perfect but it’s great to have special memories.
@ManvDadhood: DID…. Tht’s where a lot of my feelings on this stem from! Great book re:Wild At Heart
@parentourteens: tons of dads I know are great cooks. A couple of my friends, the Dad does all the cooking
@aDadsPov aka Bruce Sallan: please…happens often which is why I have two accounts!
@parentourteens: yes. I miss him.
@DaddysinCharge: The one thing I remember about my dad as a kid was he would drive the school bus to every athletic competition I had. Hated it
@aknecht: don’t know about revisionist memory – I don’t blame mine, I know what they did wrong & try not to replicate.
@realmattdaddy: Can’t spread the word enough about it! re: Great book Wild At Heart
@JPlovesCOTTON: No, I get it, but I think lack of discipline means teachers can’t help play learn/adventure learn
@HollyPavlika: My son is 19 and just came into himself and grew up. Very responsible. I was worried for a while.
@ManvDadhood: I am a Special Education teacher to 6-8 graders… Boys need to SEE men in their everyday lives, and not just at home!
@brickwade: Absolutely qualified. Stigma aside, Norman Rockwell America has a lot to offer both sexes.
@aDadsPov aka Bruce Sallan: So, what should WE do about getting more support for Dads? I believe men’s groups help A LOT!
@dbvickery: neither negligence nor abuse should be exhibited by our sons, or accepted as “best it’s going to get” by our daughters
@HollyPavlika: That’s what I worry about with mine. A part time Dad is hard.
@Sonya_LeanOnUs: My hubby is a great cook…he has flair and puts me to shame haha … I’m not that bad but it’s a standing joke
@aDadsPov: My dad worked ALL the time. However, I remember him LOVING my mom and that was a GREAT model to see!
@RossanaWyatt: my dh is a great cook – actually he and dd used to bake together all the time!
@GregOrtbach: I’m very blessed. Can’t say enough good things about my parents – and both of they significant others.
@TVProducerDeb: I am a COD too. But mom never remarried wish she did re: I am a child of divorce. My mom remarried quickly.
@HollyPavlika: A full size barn? re: there are very few, but he made me a very special barn.
@Support4Dads: I’d love to see more Dad groups and Dad and kid focused groups
@ManvDadhood: What I’m saying is… we have only discipline, and respect, without the exploration… Thank you
@josepopoff: Wow, you are officially my new hero!
@JPlovesCOTTON: Guys? Ideas? re: So, what should WE do about getting more support for Dads? I believe mens groups help A LOT!
@padgets: now my dad was so different not close to us at all
@RossanaWyatt: some just take a little bit longer than others
@goodenufmother: yes! daughters will marry a man like their dad. You are being a great example!
@realmattdaddy: pre-natal education for dad re: So, what should WE do about getting support for Dads? I believe mens groups help A LOT!
@wildheart4vr: why do you say that ?? re: Wow, you are officially my new hero!
@HollyPavlika: That’s great. I lost my Dad 2 years ago. Still seems strange without him.
@aDadsPov: I didn’t want to re-marry but my 2nd wife made me!
@ManvDadhood: Agreed, and i love having her, but I am often called upon to do little more than tell a boy what to do in a lower voice
@BCCWF: Have you seen our study on the changing role of fathers? Are you #TheNewDad ? We’d love to hear your thoughts.
@brickwade: Agreed. I see my children get quiet when Mr and I have a tense convo. They are watching and learning. 100%
@parentourteens: I think that kids make do & get used to their sit’n. As long as they know they’re loved, everything else follows
@dbvickery: hilarious! You treasure it now but hated it then because the eyes were always watching!!
@dadvsspawn: I am a great cook and proud of it. Know plenty as well that can do more than Mac n cheese and BBQ.
@Support4Dads: I’m working on developing some stuff for men during the transition to fatherhood
@JPlovesCOTTON: ditto I had an #oldskooldad re: now my dad was so different not close to us at all
@ellalaverne: no raves in twitter whirlwind, but took us everywhere. Mostly mundane, but that’s the best. Just got to take him in
@GregOrtbach: Sorry to hear that. re: Thats great. I lost my Dad 2 years ago. Still seems strange without him.
@VoogDesigns: NEWSFLASH-Get rid of TV. you will find a whole lot more time to spend with kids and kids will use their imaginations.
@TVProducerDeb: A man who cooks gets big points in my book!
@HollyPavlika: Mine took my to Phili and finally talked about his childhood when I was 28.
@DaddysinCharge: My dad worked three jobs from 3am to 6pm. Always remember him passed out on his chair in the basement.
@parentourteens: I’m pretty sure my hubs knows how to cook but is hiding his talents so I’ll do it.
@ManvDadhood: I’m a history major… Norman Rockwll America got a bad reputation of being demeaning. Moms may have had more respect
@MimiBakerMN: It’s the way to my heart! re: A man who cooks gets big points in my book!
@Support4Dads: During the entire transition–pregnancy to early childhood at least
@JPlovesCOTTON: I think we prob agree more than the stream seems to show. Learning should be fun, just hard in current schools
@CupcakeCutieKit: I am late!!!! But I am here!! How is everyone??
@GregOrtbach: Step 1: Ask for directions! re: So, what should WE do about getting more support for Dads?
@BruceSallan: THAT was my dating technique! Plus good wine! re: A man who cooks gets big points in my book!
@josepopoff: I don’t know, your job with your kid, while rewarding, based on your bio, must still be tough. You seem admirable to me. re: why do you say that ?? re: Wow, you are officially my new hero!
@brickwade: Because of need for discipline?
@HollyPavlika: Hard when you start losing your parents.
@MimiBakerMN: Hey there! All’s well tonight! re:I am late!!!! But I am here!! How is everyone??
@BruceSallan: I’ll cook for you…
@TVProducerDeb: LOL!! re: I didn’t want to re-marry but my 2nd wife made me!
@GregOrtbach: I need to work on this! re: Its the way to my heart! re: A man who cooks gets big points in my book!
@aknecht: coming up on 10 years since my dad passed away. Yes it still strange that he’s not around
@ellalaverne: someone else also said it. “Mom” groups should be more inclusive.
@dbvickery: TRUTH! re: Agreed. I see my children get quiet when Mr and I have a tense convo. They are watching and learning. 100%
@Mike_McGinley: Hopefully he doesn’t make you give up Twitter, too!
@MimiBakerMN: I’m happy to be a guinea pig!
@Sonya_LeanOnUs: I bet you do. My hubby’s parents were devoted and they were a great role model for their kids. Makes a huge diff
@BruceSallan: Hey Andi…spirited discussion about who gets more support parenting…moms or dads…consensus is the moms!
@realmattdaddy: My wife is way out of my league, but I cook and make her laugh. re: A man who cooks gets big points in my book!
@th_purpl_lady: My dad worked for two years, at the Nevada Test Site, with crushed discs in his neck and back.
@BruceSallan: @Mike_McGinley – Hello Mike and welcome to
@LindsayDianne: A barn perfectly crafted for my favorite horse toys. re: A full size barn?
@ManvDadhood: in a way. Boys who don’t treat their moms right, don’t treat women teachers right. I don’t let that happen in my room
@aknecht: My upbringing was a bit different. Parents were immigrants & Holocaust survivors – worked hard to build a future & very protective
@BruceSallan: @ssunithi – hey stranger, where ya been?
@dbvickery: I got lucky finding a wonderful wife. My dad died when I was 4, mother married 4-5 times. Grandparents role models
@MimiBakerMN: Those are 2 stellar qualities. I’m sure @GregOrtbach’s wife would appreciate the cooking. LOL
@DaddysinCharge: NOBODY wants their dad driving bus. I’m glad he went to the games as he enjoyed watching me he should take his own car
@CupcakeCutieKit: More support in what way?
@Sonya_LeanOnUs: hehehe That’s what I do….I’m telling’ ya’ some have flair…I really don’t. It’s easy to let some1 else do it!
@josepopoff: Now that I’m a dad myself I try to emulate the good and avoid the wrong doings of my parents.
@rosamyst: So true! re: U turn away lot of business when U call something “Mommy and me” class. R fathers that would love 2join!
@brickwade: This would be an interesting debate on its own. This was a time when male responsibility was strong. Firm principle.
@HollyPavlika: Do women think about what kind of Dad a future spouse will be?
@RossanaWyatt: no mater how old/young u are! re: Hard when you start losing your parents.
@BruceSallan: Let’s face it: Our kids see EVERYTHING we do!
@aknecht: Just remember all the self hep books for dad’s don’t work – we’ll never stop & ask direction we prefer to figure it out ourselvels
@parentourteens: I’m sorry that it sounds like you didn’t have the best parenting role models.
@MimiBakerMN: absoultey. One of my 1st considerations! re: Do women think about what kind of Dad a future spouse will be?
@ManvDadhood: There ARE boys who need more discipline, but there are also boys who need t be given a chance to be boys
@realmattdaddy: Cookin’ up deliciousness! Check out her site! re: @ssunithi – hey stranger, where ya been?
@JPlovesCOTTON: That would definitely shape the way you view family, parenting & the future.
@GregOrtbach: Can be challenging for teachers. re: Boys who dont treat their moms right, dont treat women teachers right.
@goodenufmother: Hubby went on business trip. Kids looked at me, wide-eyed and said, “What are we gonna eat while #dad is gone?”
@parentourteens: well, I love to cook. I find it very relaxing. unfortunately, my teens have not inherited the interest.
@padgets: well everyone I really appreciate the great chat. You all take care and tweet you all next time!
@Sonya_LeanOnUs: I agree… that’s why I’m not a fan of ‘mom groups’ it should be family groups so all are included…
@BruceSallan: Hey Sara and welcome to your (first?) #DadChat
@HollyPavlika: My dad made a table and a wall shelf that hangs in my apartment.
@BruceSallan: don’t you think men are getting better at asking for help (a little)?
@goodenufmother: I said, ” we can go to McDonald’s for the weekend” hahah
@brickwade: That’s an ugly reality. I see that at the K level in my daughters class.
@BruceSallan: BTW, Looking for best host for an addiction #DadChat. Please DM suggestions.
@DNLee5: so TRUE! re: We have slowly removed the adventure & exploration from education and have placed kids in cubicles
@HeiddiZ: I don’t think so. If I did, I probably wouldn’t have dated him. Or had kiddo.
@dbvickery: 1st thing I “cooked” for my future wife -> one of those boxed jello cheesecakes w/cherries on top
@ManvDadhood: I will give more room for error with me than I will with the woman aide I have in my room. As it should be in the home
@parentourteens: I really think so. If you’re planning on having children, its an important factor.
@aknecht: No we just need a Dad GPS – that’s the only reason we don’t get lost any more
@reth1nk: let’s see how me attempting to quit smoking next week goes and I’ll let you know
@dadvsspawn: Yes, the moms get more support, but lack of support has made me more independent – and a better parent as a result.
@wildheart4vr: what is the addiction
@Sonya_LeanOnUs: Well, my mom was decent so idk…my dad wasn’t abusive just extremely unloving and uncaring, some cant love
@MimiBakerMN: Good luck with that! re: let’s see how me attempting to quit smoking next week goes and I’ll let you know
@realmattdaddy: DON’T MISS TOMORROW’S POST: “Can a Christian Be An At-Home Dad?” There are those who say “no” but what do you think?
@JPlovesCOTTON: Mixed results? re: @aknecht – dont you think men are getting better at asking for help (a little)?
@dbvickery: So we need to be “above reproach” even w/mistakes re: Let’s face it: Our kids see EVERYTHING we do!
@GregOrtbach: I do some mean grillin’ but I need to expand my repertoire big-time
@CupcakeCutieKit: Yes they do and they repeat it right back re: Let’s face it: Our kids see EVERYTHING we do!
@zjrosenberg: I’m addicted to cake, do I qualify?
@VoogDesigns: What’s everyone’s take on TV? Anyone NOT have TV in their home? How’s that working for ya?
@BruceSallan: best of luck with that – NOT easy!
@ssunithi: were U talkin abt my site !Awwww…Awesome TY
@HollyPavlika: My dad helped me with math. Hated math.
@ManvDadhood: There’s a time for teachers to be sweet, and there’s a time to law the smacketh down!
@MimiBakerMN: I think every man should know how to grill. =) Kind of expected here in Minnesota.
@Sonya_LeanOnUs: lol that is hilarious… my hubby says you guys will starve if I die … we need him to cook haha
@parentourteens: mine was the reverse, but I lived with my mom. So my example was how not to mother
@JPlovesCOTTON: Love seeing several of my peeps chiming in on the #dadchat convo!
@wildheart4vr: if that were true his dad would be more involved
@HollyPavlika: @HeiddiZ Hmmm. #Dadchat
@DaddysinCharge: My dad made mistakes, I didn’t really like him much as a kid. Learned to respect him more when I got older.
@josepopoff: How can anyone write a work-for-all book about effective parenting when kids and circumstances are so diverse?
@TVProducerDeb: “E” for Effort ! re: 1st thing I “cooked” for my future wife -> one of those boxed jello cheesecakes w/cherries on top
@Sonya_LeanOnUs: yes, I find that with baking, I find it relaxing…cooking every day meals is my downfall
@BruceSallan: but NOW teachers are afraid of the kids because most parents back their kids rather than the teachers!!!!
@parentourteens: I can tell you that as they get over 12 or so they hardly watch tv anymore. or watch sports. DD17 watches no TV
@MimiBakerMN: I saw my nephews disrespecting their dad over and over. Made a point to take my boys aside to thank them 4 respect!
@ManvDadhood: I’m going through that right now. And it’s especially hard in #SpecialEducation
@JPlovesCOTTON: I think that’s true of most of us & our parents (respect as we grow)
@HollyPavlika: Impossible task. re: How can anyone write a work-for-all book about effective parenting when kids and circumstances are so diverse?
@GregOrtbach: Kudos to @BruceSallan for building up this chat to this level
@BruceSallan: We are growing! So cool! re: Love seeing several of my peeps chiming in on the #dadchat convo!
@ssunithi: Do you hav any lovely ladies at all at #dadChat today ? Or is jus the guy dudes ?
@BruceSallan: we’ve lost respect for so many traditional role models! Sad…thank the 60’s for that!
@HollyPavlika: I was scared to death of my dad. My mom was the role model for me.
@dbvickery: I got a lot better -> I love to cook and usually involves fire and lots of smoke or hot oil
@GregOrtbach: Yes – and appreciating them as people. re: I think thats true of most of us…(respect as we grow)
@MimiBakerMN: I’ll be putting a post up shortly about how I’m sick of cooking. My boys are too picky. Waste of time & energy & money!
@BruceSallan: @AuthorCAKunz – Hi and welcome to your (first?) #DadChat
@dadvsspawn: Simple, no one can. Otherwise, none of us would be here. No book comes close to the amt of info needed to parent.
@TVProducerDeb: told you I met a “culinary” cameraman this week (raised eyebrow). He shoots food for a living:). Nice!
@parentourteens: let’s just all recognize that dads need a village just like moms do. but maybe won’t ask.
@zjrosenberg: it’s funny that most parents know their kids are scheisters but still think they’re saints at school
@wildheart4vr: the hard thing with being a single mom is trying to be man enough to ask for help when I need it
@BruceSallan: @LojaHibiscus – Hi Jean-Marie, are you in Brazil now?
@parentourteens: I forgot to say that she’s on Youtube and Facebook instead…
@dbvickery: my grandparents raised me from 13. They were so cool my friends would go tell them all the bad things I was doing
@GregOrtbach: I was also lucky to spend some one-on-one time with both grand dads, as well as Dad & in later years Step-Dad…
@ManvDadhood: RIDICULOUS how true that is. They ONLY tell the truth at school, but lie at home?? REALLY?!?!
@MimiBakerMN: LOL I expect my kids to make mistakes. They’re human and immature, but they still need to learn hard knocks sometimes!
@brickwade: I was scared of my dad too. Huge difference between fear and respect.
@DaddysinCharge: he worked hard for us but it took away from any relationship. Now it’s good and he is OK as a grandfather
@MimiBakerMN: I’ve intentionally built trust up in my kids. They’re very honest with me. Stuns many people. =)
@dbvickery: got an older daughter like that. She decided no mammals, but loathe to try new fish/chicken/veggie recipes
@JPlovesCOTTON: Men do that? re: the hard thing with being a single mom is trying to be man enough to ask for help when I need it
@HollyPavlika: Social media will give future dads a forum to be great dads and learn from each other.
@BruceSallan: and don’t the school bureaucrats cow tow to the parents too?
@Support4Dads: I agree! re: Social media will give future dads a forum to be great dads and learn from each other.
@MimiBakerMN: A couple years ago my now 8 yr old would psych himself out and puke the moment the food hit his lips! UGH!
@aknecht: Hope so re:: Social media will give future dads a forum to be great dads and learn from each other.
@JPlovesCOTTON: I think that’s really common for dads the age of my parents
@wildheart4vr: ha ha well I am told men who are real men do
@GregOrtbach: Well done. re: Ive intentionally built trust up in my kids. Theyre very honest with me.
@BruceSallan: The kids shouldn’t get too many choices on food…Don’t like it? Go hungry!
@zjrosenberg: we should expect our kids are lying everywhere & just keep them in a constant state of defense
@HollyPavlika: My dad used to make me eat meat. Finally gave up when I was 17. Haven’t eaten it since.
@ManvDadhood: I happens re: and don’t the school bureaucrats cow tow to the parents too?
@Support4Dads: Participating in my first #dadchat tonight. So interesting and fun.
@josepopoff: You as a parent should earn your kids’ respect since birth; shouldn’t earn it as a result of them aging and growing mature.
@dbvickery: let him play with fire or get into marinades -> manly stuff usually involving beer
@MimiBakerMN: I used to love cooking. Now it’s SO not worth it. Could do it for one, but…eh
@DaddysinCharge: @brickwade @hollypavlika why are dads so scary. I can see that I scare my kids sometimes too.
@zjrosenberg: hah! Usually can’t nmake it but I’m just sitting on the couch right now!
@MimiBakerMN: Hooray and welcome! re: Participating in my first #dadchat tonight. So interesting and fun.
@BruceSallan: Social Media is already helping men/dads a great deal. AND the brands are beginning to take notice too!
@ellalaverne: my house u don’t want it you don’t eat. Sorry.
@wildheart4vr: my child gets no choices but he does get some input on meal planning
@ssunithi: Yay ! Hang in there #DadChat. since am talkin seems like am there too
@GregOrtbach: Glad you’re here! re: Participating in my first #dadchat tonight. So interesting and fun.
@ManvDadhood: I am fortunate, in my current situation, to have the support of my #sped director!
@HollyPavlika: He was the punisher in my family hence the scariness.
@CupcakeCutieKit: Beacuase dads are more intimidating! You have deeper voices!
@Sonya_LeanOnUs: It’s the deep voice!
@dbvickery: ARGH! re: A couple years ago my now 8 yr old would psych himself out and puke the moment the food hit his lips! UGH!
@dadvsspawn: Sounds just about like what is happening at this very moment.
@BruceSallan: Dads are scary partly because they’re (usually) bigger and louder!
@HollyPavlika: Just need more dads online.
@DaddysinCharge: my dad is 75… He had a rough childhood he new nothing different.
@HollyPavlika: I hope so, too. I want my son to be a great dad.
@MimiBakerMN: I’m at the point now, if they don’t like what I make, they can fend for themselves. They’re 12 and 8.
@JPlovesCOTTON: DADS – Any big suggestions on how women can offer support better? Where things work?
@NkdGirlinaDress: Great piece by @ewstorch_nh on #dad stereotypes. Thought provoking and great dialog in comment section
@GregOrtbach: And the socks & sandals re: Its the deep voice!
@BruceSallan: lol, we tweeted pretty much the same thing at the same time, Andi!
@Support4Dads: How to draw them in though? Time, money, other things going on? re: Just need more dads online.
@RayProck: Catching a little #dadchat while watching Wizards of Waverly place with the kiddos
@dbvickery: NOW we’re talking! Have some really funny plaques that establish those house rules
@HollyPavlika: And you don’t want kids scared, you want them to be able to talk to you about anything.
@LovelyLu: Or eerily quiet! re: Dads are scary partly because theyre (usually) bigger and louder!
@markalves: Have a kid prepare menu. Eye opener for them to experience siblings complaining about the food.
@MimiBakerMN: heh heh heh we had that on earlier. =) re: Catching a little #dadchat while watching Wizards of Waverly place with the kiddos
@HollyPavlika: Yeah, you’re scaring them?
@DaddysinCharge: I can talk like a princess, I think that would scare them more
@goubeauty: I don’t think they fail any worse than in the past.Many get gr8 results. Years ago more would be at work.
@ManvDadhood: We are doing our best to start to open the dialogue with our daughter and limit lectures
@JPlovesCOTTON: same generation as my folks. They made life better for us in lots of ways, still improving too though
@BruceSallan: @markalves – Hey Mark, how goes it? Happy New Year!
@DaddysinCharge: I will start sucking on helium re: It’s the deep voice!
@MimiBakerMN: Oh, my boys know the rules. They saw them as the girls grew up. Still apply. Hey Ella!
@MimiBakerMN: bwahahahahaha re: I will start sucking on helium
@HollyPavlika: If my son grows up to be a great dad and human being, I will have done my job as mom.
@goodenufmother: hahahaha! Sounds good to me re: NOW we’re talking! Have some really funny plaques that establish those house rules
@Sonya_LeanOnUs: LOL that must be it! re:And the socks & sandals re: Its the deep voice!
@CupcakeCutieKit: Yes it would! They would run! re: I can talk like a princess, I think that would scare them more
@BruceSallan: Chris, would love YOUR views on the state of the educational system…do kids get too much license these days?
@MimiBakerMN: +1000 re: If my son grows up to be a great dad and human being, I will have done my job as mom.
@ManvDadhood: Vocation /Tech school vs college is a topic for another WEEK!
@HollyPavlika: I’m a full time working mom and find time to be online. They need to see it as a resource.
@Sonya_LeanOnUs: Too funny…but that will help! re: I will start sucking on helium re: It’s the deep voice!
@BruceSallan: Good idea! re: I will start sucking on helium
@HeiddiZ: But he was involved and persistent. Got to give him that. Lol
@dbvickery: I never really had to raise my voice. Raise an eyebrow, maybe growl on occasion, but had girls
@Sonya_LeanOnUs: I know, I’m cracking up here!
@CupcakeCutieKit: LOL! re: Good idea! re: I will start sucking on helium
@wildheart4vr: @ellalaverne @JPlovesCOTTON @ssunithi @mimibakerMN @TVProducerDeb @goodenufmother the women of #DadChat
@Ericka: yes! re: I’m a full time working mom and find time to be online. They need to see it as a resource.
@HollyPavlika: He’s on his way. ROTC whipped him into shape. He’s very respectful.
@ManvDadhood: When I was at the US Air Force Academy, the yelling never phased me. The whispers did!
@markalves: It’s going well. I feel like the odd man out here — my deceased dad was a terrific dad & husband.
@rlconrad7: Thanks Bruce!!
@MimiBakerMN: I’m doing the same here. re: He’s on his way. ROTC whipped him in2 shape. He’s very respectful.
@NkdGirlinaDress: A frustrated #dad sounds off on dad stereotyping. I agree with his position. Thoughts? #SMGirlfriends #dadchat
@JPlovesCOTTON: Sorry! Missed several. Darn tweetchat interface!
@BruceSallan: BOY do I agree about that! College should NOT be for every kid nor should parents think that!
@brandcottage: True! re: Dads are scary partly because they’re (usually) bigger and louder!
@ManvDadhood: I was fortunate to marry and gain a GREAT Dad in law. A great example for me now! Better late than never
@CandiceShirreff: Late night chats that I’d have 2 repeat the next day #turnsouthewashalfasleep re: What’s ur favorite memory of ur dad?
@HollyPavlika: Start a DadGetADadONline campaign. Or talk beer and maybe they will come.
@MimiBakerMN: That’s so wonderful to read. I need to be encouraged by other men who had great dads as examples! =)
@BruceSallan: my deceased dad was, too…we were lucky though given the horror stories I hear at men’s retreats!
@ellalaverne: lol well, one would be to pick a dad who will stay with u
@markalves: I haven’t been able to get the raised eyebrow or the stink eye to work on my boys.
@Sonya_LeanOnUs: ooo yes I can imagine that! re: When I was at the US Air Force Academy, the yelling never phased me. The whispers did!
@BruceSallan: welcome to #DadChat…will have to look at that link later!
@audaciouslady: Three chats! #latism #smgirlfriends and #dadchat Love it. None of them have those promo thingy hanging above my tweetdeck
@MimiBakerMN: hahahaha No. MY version of it. re: ROTC? Really?
@HollyPavlika: Yeah, daddy bedtimes stories are so important.
@josepopoff: An advice for “bigger” and “louder” dads: when your small kid talks to you, kneel down and listen!
@dbvickery: yelling = bravado and lack of self-control. Whisper w/Intensity, watch out!
@BruceSallan: @CandiceShirreff – Hello Candice, very nice to see another new face at
@HollyPavlika: Mommy’s army! Perfect.
@DaddysinCharge: I just started using whispering with my kid when he yells, was surprised to see it actually worked.
@Support4Dads: I love that idea! re: Start a DadGetADadONline campaign. Or talk beer and maybe they will come.
@CupcakeCutieKit: They r the Best!! Men tell better stories! re: Yeah, daddy bedtimes stories are so important.
@ManvDadhood: It makes them become quieter…Whispering is awesome!
@markalves: My dad’s dad was old country stern, but when we grandkids came along he got a 2nd shot & was lots of fun
@HollyPavlika: And the size of the hand. I grew up when parents spanked.
@brickwade: It’s a balance for sure. Daughter is tough as nails but raise your voice to boy = tears.
@BruceSallan: good advice…and also don’t make them hold your hand by having their arm UP IN THE AIR! Think about it!
@CupcakeCutieKit: Oh yeah, Now its illegal re: And the size of the hand. I grew up when parents spanked.
@HollyPavlika: Feel free to use it. The beer idea or the other idea?
@dbvickery: they care for Daddy’s judgment. Balance cultivating that yet building independence to avoid abusive relationships
@BruceSallan: Wow, we are almost done…so pleased and grateful to have @ManvDadhood co-hosting…allowed me to finish my beer!
@daddydaughterd8: Wait, I got to #dadchat late, what are we talking about?
@ManvDadhood: LOL! It is also how effective a well-laced *GASP can work too! re: It’s a balance for sure. Daughter is tough as nails but raise your voice to boy = tears.
@Sonya_LeanOnUs: I agree re: they care for Daddy’s judgment. Balance cultivating that yet building independence to avoid abusive relationships
@HollyPavlika: My son is stoic and my DD cries at the drop of a hat.
@Support4Dads: DadGetADadONline re: Feel free to use it. The beer idea or the other idea?
@audaciouslady: Im a teacher and much of what is missing in our kids are strong male role models
@Sonya_LeanOnUs: You don’t need to yell to take control
@HollyPavlika: Either that or I had to sit in this rocking chair for an eternity.
@dbvickery: yeah, I’ve seen that firsthand. Boys sometimes flat out dare you to do something about it. Then gets interesting
@markalves: My dad bought & wrapped 50 gifts for my mom’s 50th bday. Mostly trinkets, but great love example.
@JPlovesCOTTON: that’s support! re: almost done…so pleased & grateful to have @ManvDadhood co-hosting..allowed me to finish my beer!
@MimiBakerMN: SWEET! re: My dad bought & wrapped 50 gifts 4 my mom’s 50th bday. Mostly trinkets, but great love example.
@HollyPavlika: Go for it. I’d love to know how it works. I know some moms who got their husbands online.
@BruceSallan: PLUS going to community college for the pre-reqs is a GREAT idea as well…
@Sonya_LeanOnUs: Yes, I agree. The first comment when my son started school was that he was well rounded. It was due to his dad re: re: Im a teacher and much of what is missing in our kids are strong male role models
@mochadad: A Father’s Hug is Powerful
@BruceSallan: Esp in some communities! re: Im a teacher and much of what is missing in our kids are strong male role models
@brickwade: True! I find a sit down talk works better w boy. He’s a people pleaser so it hurts him to know he disappoints me.
@MimiBakerMN: Thanks for tonight’s chat. Any men wanna come help me change detector batteries? UGH!
@dbvickery: That’s always been my opinion re: You don’t need to yell to take control
@goubeauty: Hard to generalize. confusing messages from home, society, school, pop culture. SM adds to tension w/o values guide.
@goodenufmother: Wait was this a beer event? I had wine!
@BruceSallan: Hey Kristof…good to see you here at #DadChat