As you probably know already LeanOnUs has been joining in #DadChat on Twitter. It’s taken me a few weeks to get to grips with it and it still isn’t easy to keep up but I’m really enjoying it. I’m starting to recognize those that contribute regularly and it’s great being introduced to interesting people who I may have not come across otherwise.
Now some of you may have noticed that I am a backseat kinda girl… I prefer to remain behind the scenes and watch but everyone is very nice and welcoming and Bruce Sallan is a great host. Each week he brings us humour along with some serious subjects that can affect our lives or those around us. This week was ‘The Triple Decker Sandwich Generation’ which was a serious and sad subject for many and no doubt got a lot thinking.
You may have found yourself in this situation… having your own family to consider (ie kids and partner) then maybe facing the possibility of having to also consider your parents and their situation with regard to needing care and/or support.

‘The Triple Decker Sandwich Generation’ was co-hosted by Barry Birkett who is co-founder, along with his wife Kathy, of Senior Care Corner Resources for Family Caregivers of Older Adults. He made some really good points with regard to looking after our parents as they get older and how we need to remember to look after ourselves if we find ourselves in this position. You should check out their site as it is full of helpful/useful information.
Along with the theme of caring for parents obviously the conversation touched on a lot of areas surround this, including our children. As always though, it incorporated some fun, including a competition to win a Caricature.
As an extra I thought I would also share some information that would be interesting to those who are on Twitter and are familiar with the lingo; this week there were 70 contributors and over 600 Tweets! Below I have included part of the report that listed the ‘Top 20 Most Popular’ and the ‘Top 20 Most Tweets’ so that you can go check them out and follow:
Most Popular
@brucesallan (mentioned in 236 tweets, retweeted 40 times); @barrybirkett (mentioned in 63 tweets, retweeted 9 times); @lovelylu (mentioned in 43 tweets, retweeted 7 times); @saskadad (mentioned in 31 tweets, retweeted 6 times); @mimibakermn (mentioned in 30 tweets, retweeted 1 times); @sonya_leanonus (mentioned in 22 tweets, retweeted 8 times); @harrylfunk (mentioned in 25 tweets, retweeted 1 times); @voogdesigns (mentioned in 22 tweets, retweeted 1 times); @azmomofmanyhats (mentioned in 18 tweets, retweeted 3 times); @jodiokun (mentioned in 16 tweets, retweeted 0 times); @josepf (mentioned in 16 tweets, retweeted 0 times); @manvdadhood (mentioned in 13 tweets, retweeted 3 times); @brandonpduncan (mentioned in 13 tweets, retweeted 1 times); @josepopoff (mentioned in 12 tweets, retweeted 1 times); @lukerushly (mentioned in 11 tweets, retweeted 1 times); @squirleywrath (mentioned in 11 tweets, retweeted 1 times); @tobeydeys (mentioned in 11 tweets, retweeted 1 times); @gregortbach (mentioned in 8 tweets, retweeted 0 times); @daddysincharge (mentioned in 6 tweets, retweeted 1 times); @mqtodd (mentioned in 6 tweets, retweeted 1 times)
Most Tweets
@brucesallan (191), @sonya_leanonus (74), @barrybirkett (43), @mimibakermn (32), @lovelylu (29), @azmomofmanyhats (25), @adadspov (21), @harrylfunk (19), @saskadad (19), @lukerushly (17), @squirleywrath (16), @brandonpduncan (15), @jodiokun (15), @voogdesigns (12), @tobeydeys (11), @josepf (10), @josepopoff (8), @stevecassady (8), @1ad_dad (7), @gregortbach (7)