Some time ago, Jenny Rush shared her story with us about living with Chronic Lyme Disease and just recently we added a link to Jenny’s feature entitled ‘A Daughter’s Experience of her Mom’s Lyme Disease’ that was written by her daughter Samantha. It was in her early teens when Samantha’s mom, Jenny, was first diagnosed and as we know there are so many young ones out there who have parents dealing with health issues. When it’s chronic and long-term we can only imagine what a young person feels so it was great that Samantha wrote that piece.

Anyway, back to Jenny… if you aren’t yet aware, Jenny co-hosts a teleconference every other week with Lisa Hilton. Their aim is to provide support and information about living with Chronic Lyme Disease. Some of the topics that have covered so far have been ‘Coping Strategies’, ‘Re-entering the World When You Feel Better’ and ‘Do You Feel Stuck? What Keeps You Stuck?’. The teleconferences are public and everyone is welcome. If you are on Facebook you can connect with Jenny on her Lyme Thriving page where she keeps you up to date with the latest and posts the events for each teleconference so you have all the details in one place.
Even though I’m not close to anyone who lives with Lyme Disease, the other week I listened to one of the teleconferences and found it interesting. They have a strong community that not only provides support but also works hard to raise awareness of this disease which can be extremely debilitating. As I mentioned above, the teleconferences are open to the pubic, you can listen to them live and/or call in. If you have missed any and want to catch up they are also available 24/7 at Lyme Thriving.
If you have any general questions, feel free to contact us or for more detailed information you can contact Jenny directly. Jenny is very approachable and has been a great support to our community and shares readily with others. Just the other week Suzanne from ‘Kawartha Lakes Mums’ in Canada approached me asking if we knew of anyone who knew about Lyme Disease as they were holding ‘Wellness Wednesday Discussion – Lyme Disease’. I said “YES!” and fortunately Jenny happened to be around and only too willing to help out. They had a great chat with over 100 viewing the conversation that day. It’s these little things that excite me about our community and makes it all worthwhile when we can help connect those who can then help others. AWESOME!