Our thoughts, actions, behaviours and feelings are for many – predictable. Perhaps none more so than at New Year. For some, the past year and it’s passing will provide relief. Relief that it has passed, and they can put to bed at least some suffering. But will it?
For these, and others, the New Year will still bring positive thoughts, even if these are the same – or similar to last year!
New Year – New Mind
It is traditionally a time to galvanise into actions those things that we believe will bring us fulfilment and contentedness. The Gym’s will be full to the rafters until February! Smokers will cease smoking and some will succeed! Dieters will diet, many will fail. Why are we predictably doing these things, year after year? What are we failing to learn?
Goals to fulfilment outside of us.
All of the above actionable, and honourable, intentions can be addressed ‘internally’ along with a host of other ‘less than’ healthy mental, emotional and behavioural activities inhabiting our daily lives.
The gym and fitness goals may fade. The smokers may recommence, and the ‘feeders’ and ‘over-eaters’ may return to support obesity and less than optimal health; but the one area that you can share responsibility and accountability for is available and sustainable and lasting – given the attention and desire.
Your own private mental health fitness trainer – for life!
Consider the financial investment for diet clubs and gym memberships providing temporary, typically six weeks, commitment, before we are returning to a default, or even worse position. Now consider same or similar investment for some ‘vent’ time; some personal and private ‘you‘ time. A space to re-learn how to ‘be‘ again – in mind and body… sustainably!
Coaching and guiding – without judgement.
Your new-found physical fitness instructor may yell and berate you for your efforts. You will likely feel rubbish enough when the drive wears off to get fit, stop smoking or lose weight; who needs to have that in their ear too?
Heart centred compassion – with empathy!

As we review our present state of mind, any turbulence keeping us awake or disrupting our moods, those moods being emotive – arguing or anger showing up via intolerance with those we love. Consider this:
Meeting with a counsellor is anything but a last resort. It IS a positive action; a positive influence.
Engaging counsel for yourself is an investment in you, and yours, with the results lasting potentially for the rest of your life!
The most successful people in life are those who take the most care with their minds!
Or shall we engage with more of the same this year? We really do get to choose! Book now – congratulate yourself – be the best expression of yourself you can be!
From me, Bob Brotchie and my business, Anglia Counselling… I wish you all a peaceful, fulfilled and healthy 2014 and beyond. I would also like to thank all those who have subscribed to my blog and to those who have downloaded my free eBook of blogs ‘Mind Mechanics’ .
Bob Brotchie is a British counsellor providing private services to clients in the privacy, and comfort, of a truly welcoming environment at his company office. He can be found at Anglia Counselling Ltd, located near Newmarket in Suffolk (GB). Bob also provides counselling, online, for international clients all around the world.
Therapeutic models are often centred around mindfulness, with clients finding 'peace' via the integration of Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) principles.
As of 2016, Bob has also made a free guide available entitled 10 Steps to Conquering Your Anxiety.