As you know, Stephen Hadley has been a continuous support to our community by providing us with information on carbon monoxide (CO) and other safety issues. So, we are pleased to announce that Steve has now received an invitation to work with the European Commission.
Our friend, Steve, has a special interest with improving the effects from carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. He has been working with Consumer Safety International (CSI), a self-funded charity, for some years; he has also been working along with ANEC, a Brussels-based organisation, for the last few years. The wonderful news is that Steve has now received an invitation to work with the European Commission (DG for Justice and Consumers) and has accepted on behalf of ANEC and CSI.
Steve’s most recent work has mainly involved barbecues and last year we published safety leaflets for children to raise awareness of the dangers. However, he has also carried out many hours of work highlighting the inadequacies of some carbon monoxide detectors (alarms) and European Union (EU) regulations on gaseous appliances.
LeanOnUs congratulates Steve and wishes him well with his new responsibilities and are very proud to have him as part of our community.If you have any questions, Steve can also be contacted via Skype on stephen.hadley95.