My Experience Using ShieldCPS (RPT)
When we asked CABBY what inspired him to create the Shield Child Protection System Reporting Tool, this was his reply…
“This is easy. My sister Jayne, Victoria Climbie and Peter Connolly (BabyP), inspired ShieldCPS. Hamza Khan, Khyra Ishaq, April Jones, Daniel Pelka post ShieldCPS (RPT)… and the 1000’s hurt in between inspired ShieldCPS (RPT). It needs to STOP!”
ShieldCPS (RPT) allows school children (5 years plus) to report all forms of child abuse, bullying and other issues that affect them. Children interact with a green alien called CABBY. It takes just three clicks for a child to make a report. They don’t need to read, write or talk to SHOUT OUT with CABBY. If you feel strongly about early intervention and are in a position to help us get this amazing system into schools or would like this in your child’s school then get in contact as we would love to hear from you. Change needs to happen NOW!
As you probably know, we have been supporting ShieldCPS to raise awareness of what is available for school children as we believe in early intervention and nipping problems in the bud, as it were. We’ve all heard me saying how easy it is for children from as young as five years old to use it as it only requires a few clicks of the mouse! Well, I’m not technical when it comes to computers (even though I do enjoy messing around on them) but I did install ShieldCPS (RPT) demo and wanted to briefly tell you what I thought of it and share a few screenshots. This isn’t a review, as such, but I hope it helps show you how it works from a mom’s point of view.

This is CABBY on your desktop. When he is inactive he is opaque or semi transparent.
Whatever you are doing on your computer CABBY just hangs around in the background like this.

Now, let’s pretend that I’m sitting at school in my computer class.
I have been worried about my best friend for several weeks now. I need to tell CABBY.
When I click on him he becomes bright and my login window pops up. I quickly log in and…

…this is what I see; CABBY showing me the things that might make me unhappy.
I have seen my best friend being hit a lot by his parents when I go over there to do homework.
Someone needs to know, so I click on ‘Friend in Need’ to tell CABBY.
After reporting, it automatically sends a message to ask for help and my screen goes back to normal with CABBY just hanging around in the background. BUT one of the great things about this reporting system (other than how fast and easy it is) is that if a child is about to report and someone comes up behind them and asks what they are doing… all they have to say is “I am just checking CABBY out” and then click on the big CABBY on the right and it exits the reporting screen. So there is no panic if the child 'gets caught' and they can always go back to it another time.
If you have any questions about this system, please get in touch.